Customer Testimonials

  • Having been recommended to Rush 2 Clean by a client of ours, we have been using the services of Rush 2 Clean for the past 6 – 8 months. We are delighted with the service they offer, they are extremely reliable, trust worthy, and most of all thorough in the cleaning of our offices, and we would have no hesitation in recommending them to others.

    Jason Brownless
  • “Can’t fault Rush 2 Clean's quality and management support, we have an excellent team in place”
    “Rush 2 Clean have demonstrated flexibility and worked with Lee Rush all the way through”
    “Any requests are acted upon immediately and I know I can call on AMBA to get things done”

    Debbie Fitzgerald
  • “Excellent partner”

    “Since taking over the contract, Rush 2 Clean have steadily improved all the areas where we previously had issues. At this stage in the contract we are usually tearing our hair out, but we haven’t been with Rush 2 Clean!”

    Steve Hernshaw